We believe the gospel message is to be preached to all the
world according to Christ’s command in Matt. 28:16-20. It is our great desire
to see the nations converted for Christ’s sake! Our aim is to disciple every
believer to be both confident and competent in faithfully proclaiming the
gospel message to their neighbors as the Lord provides opportunity, At the same
time, we desire as a congregation to present the gospel in the public square.
Therefore, twice a month we seek opportunities to evangelize together at places
like the local abortion clinic, the flea market, local events, or wherever the
Lord may open a door. This often consists of one-on-one conversations, open air
preaching, and/or simply handing out gospel tracts. If you’d like to
participate or partner with us in some way, you can reach out at christbiblechurchkingsport@gmail.com for