The event is a Creation Conference being held October 28-30, 2021 at the Doe River Gorge Ministries Camp and is sponsored by the Geneva Institute, a ministry of Westminster Kingsport. This Christian family conference will include lectures on creation, evolution, DNA, birds, reptiles, dinosaurs, fossils, astronomy, worldviews and the Bible. A field trip in the spectacular Doe River gorge by way of a narrow-gauge railroad train will focus on the geology and biology of the river canyon. Telescopic viewing of the heavens will be done in the evenings. Live animal presentations will look at the designs of our Creator God in birds and reptiles. Teaching will be appropriate for middle schoolers to adults. Delicious meals, comfortable lodging and other activities are provided by the camp. The cost of lodging can be subtracted for attendees living near the camp and commuting. For more information visit: